What’s New in Photoshop CC

Posted by Marti Wedewer on September 17th, 2013

What’s New in Photoshop CC

In June, Adobe made a massive change in the way they sell their software—switching over exclusively to the subscription-based Creative Cloud. At the same time, Adobe released major updates to all the Creative Cloud apps…including Photoshop…now called Photoshop CC.


Listed below are just a few of the major updates to our favorite digital image editing application:

Camera Raw Updates

My favorite update: Camera Raw is now a filter right inside Photoshop—this means you can convert images to a smart filter and make non-destructive edits. Yes!

What’s New inside Camera Raw:

Automatic Level and Perspective Corrections (Upright Feature): This new feature inside the Camera Raw Filter will make horizontal, vertical and perspective corrections to an image.

The New and Improved Spot Removal Tool: The new spot removal tool inside the Camera Raw filter can be used in a non-circular fashion and is great for removing irregular shapes.

Radial Filter Tool : Also found in the Camera Raw Filter, the Radial Filter Tool gives you the ability to add multiple lighting effects anywhere in your image.

Before Radial Filter and after Radial Filter

Before Radial Filter and after Radial Filter

Shape Properties/Independent Round Corners

Now when you create a rectangle in Photoshop, the Properties panel automatically pops up. Use the properties panel to round all the corners or independently from each other. Adding rounded corners in Photoshop has never been easier!

Properties Panel and Independent Rounded Corners

Properties Panel and Independent Rounded Corners

To get a free 30 day trial of Photoshop CC:

  1. Go to: https://creative.adobe.com/products/photoshop
  2. Click “Download Trial”
[message type=”simple”]Interested in learning more about Photoshop and all the other great features? We offer small, hands-on Photoshop classes, taught by expert instructors. We teach from experience—not from a manual.[/message]


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