Creating PDF Forms with InDesign CS6

One of the most exciting updates (in my opinion of course) to InDesign CS6 is the ability to create interactive PDF forms. You could not create the fields in InDesign before CS6—you used Form Wizard in Adobe Acrobat. Now you-

Tilt-Shift Effect in Adobe Photoshop CS6

One of the great new features in Adobe Photoshop CS6 is the Tilt-Shift effect—its a photographic filter located in the new Blur Gallery. There are 3 new blur effects: Field, Iris and Tilt-Shift. This post will feature the Tilt-Shift blur-

Creating Patterns in Illustrator CS6

I’m an avid user of Adobe Illustrator, but in all honesty I did not create patterns very often…before CS6. A lot of the work I do does not involve patterns, but since the release of Illustrator CS6 I’m finding ways-

What Are the New Features in Adobe Illustrator CS6?

Adobe Illustrator CS6 is the newest in Adobe’s of high-performance vector image editing programs. This newest member of the Illustrator family provides increased speed, precision and stability when working with complicated or large files. It also makes use of-

What Are The New Features In Adobe Photoshop CS6

Adobe Photoshop is the leader in the computer graphics, photo editing and digital painting arenas. It has historically offered a wide range of essential features that make it the industry standard almost everywhere. Adobe’s newest release of Photoshop CS6, will-

What Kind of Projects Can You Use Adobe After Effects For?

Do you enjoy putting together short videos? Or are you perhaps interested in learning about film production? In either case, you’ve likely found your creativity limited by Windows Movie Maker or other basic video editing software. If that sounds-

What’s New in Adobe Illustrator CS6?

It’s official…CS6 is here! Now let’s discuss what’s new and we’ll start with Adobe Illustrator: The first change you will notice right away when you open the program—the interface. Controls in the Preferences let you control the brightness of your-

Adobe CS6 Launch and Release Date

Yesterday Adobe unveiled CS6 and the new Adobe Creative Cloud—if you missed the big announcement, here are some of the big changes and updates. Adobe Edge and Adobe Muse: One of the biggest changes to CS6 is the addition of-

What Kinds of Projects Can You Use Adobe Indesign For?

Adobe Indesign is recognized as a software application that is made by Adobe Systems. It is utilized to create a good number of works, and it can even be utilized to publish content that is appropriate for things such as-

Illustrator Drawing Modes

In the newest release of Adobe Illustrator (CS5), there are 3 drawing modes: Draw Normal, Draw Behind and Draw Inside. Draw Normal is the default drawing mode. The default mode simply means that the arrangement of your objects will appear-